frequently asked questions
about us
We've built an award-winning reputation in the credit industry, and we're here to support you with the repayment of your debt. We care about your financial health and we're here to help you manage your debt in a responsible and affordable way.
We pride ourselves on exceeding regulatory requirements:
• We're authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
• We're a member of the Credit Services Association (CSA) and operate within their industry code of practice
• We're also registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
Capquest Customers: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 6pm, and Saturday 9am to 1pm.
Koyo Loans Customers: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5:30pm
Remember, you can access your account 24/7, here: Capquest Online Account - Login
We welcome your feedback online. Feel free to leave our team a review at Trust Pilot.
Yes, if you don’t contact us, this could potentially result in an escalation of our collection efforts. This could also lead to a default being placed on your credit file and legal proceedings.
The senior management team work closely with this industry body and play key roles within the CSA committees. Please visit the CSA website for further information.
If we use other companies to manage your account they have to meet our stringent standards and customer focus in line with being Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated.
Why have we contacted you?
Our goal is to help you repay the amount you owe, and to ultimately boost your financial health. Whether you're paying off the balance of a now defaulted debt, or repaying on an account that's active and has a current Credit Agreement - we're here to support you.
Koyo Customer Update: 14th July 2023
Capquest has been appointed to service Koyo Loans, on behalf of Koyo Finance 1 Ltd. On 3rd July 2023, Koyo emailed its customers with an update about their loan - letting them know that as of 14th July, Capquest will now be managing the accounts, and that each customer will receive a 'Notice of Assignment' letter in the post. Take a look at our frequently asked questions for more information. Click to view.
Just like ignoring your physical health, ignoring your financial situation could seriously affect your financial health. It may affect your credit rating which will limit any opportunity to get a loan or a mortgage in the future, or even buying a mobile phone. It could also make borrowing more expensive if you are deemed by the credit agencies or lenders as being a ‘credit risk’. Entries against your credit file will stay with you for up to six years.
If you don’t contact us, this could potentially result in an escalation of our collection efforts. This could lead to a default being placed on your credit file and could lead to legal proceedings.
Your contact details have either been supplied to us by your credit provider, for instance your bank, or by one of the leading credit reference agencies.
We try our best to ensure customers get the right communication. On occasion, letters may be sent on or just before the day the payment plan is agreed. If this is the case, you can ignore the letter. If not, please contact us so we can investigate.
You can also check your account online to see if your payment plan has been setup.
We are here to help you if ever there is any confusion. If you think we’ve got the wrong person, please contact us as soon as possible, and we can try to help you rectify the issue.
On 1st June 2023, Capquest became part of Intrum Group. As a result of this, some of our customers were contacted to inform them that Capquest will now be managing their account (as oposed to a previous servicer).
We sent a letter out in the post (a 'Notice of Assignment' letter or a 'Change of Permissions letter), and if you received this, you will have also received a set of Frequently Asked Questions in the envelope.
To view them here, online - simply click here to view them as a PDF.
account management
Our dedicated teams are here to ensure all of your records are kept up to date. If you want to update your contact details, or let us know about a change in your circumstances, please contact us via your preferred method.
Alternatively register for your online account to update your details.
If the person we have contacted no longer resides at your address, or you think we’ve got the wrong person, please contact us as soon as possible, and we can rectify the problem.
It is quite common, especially in rental properties, that a previous tenant may have moved away and has not been able to settle an account. If you think this is the case, please contact us and we will address the situation. Unless your account is associated with theirs, it shouldn’t affect you personally.
But if you have any further questions, contact the Credit Services Association consumer advice team for more information.
If you believe the person we are trying to contact is deceased please contact us.
Please contact us and we will take your Insolvency Practitioner details and liaise with them directly for more information.
You should contact the County Court who you have been working with and they will advise you. There is possibly a fee for this certificate, however you will have to confirm this with the County Court.
You can submit your LOS to any County Court.
If this is the case, contact us and supply us with the date and place of bankruptcy, together with the reference number. If you are discharged from bankruptcy, send us your discharge certificate so we can update your credit file.
If you have a DRO, please contact us to let us know. They will arrange for you to send us the schedule of qualifying debts so we can make sure your details are up to date.
The other party will be affected if there is a joint account.
If you feel that you have been impacted you should contact a credit reference agency to assist you in rectifying the situation. Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
The principal borrower on the account is contacted first. In the event that the principal borrower cannot be contacted we will contact the other parties. Contact us if you wish to discuss your situation.
A guarantor is an individual, often a close relative, who undertakes to assume the financial liabilities of the customer in the event that they are unable to meet the payments due.
Yes, this is possible. However, we would first require the consent of the account holder who should contact us. Alternatively the account holder can send signed authority in writing to the following address:
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
Please contact us to nominate a friend or relative to act on your behalf. Alternatively you can send signed authority in writing to the following address:
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
paying your account
We have a number of options to help get you back on the road to financial recovery. Please contact us to find out more. Alternatively you can set up a payment plan online.
If you believe the balance is incorrect please contact us and one of our team will help you resolve any issues.
Alternatively you can view your balance and transaction history by registering on our customer portal.
You can set up a payment plan by registering on our customer portal and completing an income and expenditure assessment.
Alternatively, please contact us and we will work with you to agree a manageable payment plan.
We will work with you to agree an appropriate solution that is tailored to your individual circumstances. If you are unable to settle your account in full, you can propose an affordable repayment plan using our customer portal or by contacting us.
You can also obtain advice on how to manage your financial situation by going to our information and links section, where you’ll find details of a number of organisations who will be able to provide you with financial advice.
We will work with you to ensure that any repayment plan is affordable and sustainable according to your financial circumstances.
There are a number of ways to pay including using our customer portal.
To make settling your account as easy as possible, Capquest have a number of simple payment options. We accept debit and credit cards from MasterCard and Visa which you can use online, or over the phone.
Please DO NOT send cash by post.
If you pay by credit card please be aware you may incur interest or charges from your credit card provider.
You can also set up a Direct Debit or standing order online or by calling us on 0333 999 7200*. We also accept cheques and postal orders which you can send, writing your account number on the back, to our address at:
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
Please make cheques payable to Capquest Debt Recovery Limited and ensure that you write your account number clearly on the reverse of the cheque.
If you have any questions, or want to organise a plan over the phone please contact us.
We maintain strict security levels and take your privacy very seriously.
If there is an issue with keeping up with your payment plan, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can work out a new payment plan with you.
Yes, please contact us to nominate a friend or relative to act on your behalf. Alternatively you can send signed authority in writing to the following address:
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
The default will be marked as satisfied within 4-6 weeks, however the default will remain on the credit file 6 years from the default date. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
If you need a payment card or giro slip please contact us.
Yes, please contact us to make an extra payment. Alternatively you can login to the customer portal to make extra payments at any time.
Our recommendation is for you to setup a regular payment plan so that you can make continued progress towards repaying your account. However, if this does not work for you then please contact us to discuss your individual situation and we will work with you to get the right solution in place.
We strive to ensure our communication is tailored to each customer’s circumstances. If you believe we have contacted you in error then please contact us as soon as possible to resolve the issue.
using the website
If you're having problems making an online payment contact us on 0333 999 7200* and our team will help you.
This site is designed to be used with all of the current browsers and has been designed to work on mobile platforms too. However, if you need the latest versions of these browsers, they can be downloaded free of charge from:
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Safari for Mac
A cookie is a small piece of data sent from our website and stored in your web browser while you are browsing our website.
If you have forgotten your password click on the forgotten password link to request a password reset.
If you cannot remember any of your details please contact us by calling 0333 999 7200*.
To confirm a successful payment please contact us.
your credit rating
If you pay in full, your default will be marked as satisfied within 8-12 weeks. The default will remain on the credit file 6 years from the default date.
Alongside our clients we work with the credit reference agencies to enable them to update your credit record on a regular basis. Payment or non-payment may be reflected on your credit report accordingly and could affect your credit rating and your ability to borrow money in the future.
If you would like to know the details of your credit record, visit our information and links page where we have listed the three main credit rating report agencies. These agencies can assist you in obtaining a copy of your credit rating. They may also be able to offer you advice on how you can improve your credit score.
Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
It is possible that your credit lender or initial account holder may have marked your credit record with a 'default' at or around the time that you fell behind with your initial repayments. This action may make it difficult for you to obtain further credit.
If you would like further information on your credit rating, visit our information and links page where we have listed the three main credit rating report agencies. These agencies can assist you in obtaining a copy of your credit rating. They may also be able to offer you advice on the steps that can be taken to start improving your credit score.
Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
If you have failed to make the required repayments on your account, then a default may have been registered on your credit record. This could make it difficult to obtain credit in the future. It may also make your other borrowings more expensive.
To discuss your credit record in more detail you can contact the credit reference agencies via our help and support page or alternatively you can call us on 0333 999 7200*.
Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
An FFS shows on your credit file with an indicator which identifies that the account has been partially settled. Should you wish the account to show as satisfied without a partially settled flag, full payment of the outstanding balance is required.
Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
Yes, the payments that you make will reduce the balance which is shown on your credit file.
If you refuse to pay your account balance this could affect your credit rating which could make it harder to get credit in the future. This includes access to mortgages, loans, credit cards and even day to day contracts such as mobile phone contracts.
This is a very common situation. It is important that you regularly check with the credit reference agencies as this will show you if you have an outstanding contract that could affect your credit rating. To learn about the credit reference agencies, go to information and links for more details.
Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
To discuss the situation in more detail with us, call us on 0333 999 7200*.
It is important that you regularly check with the credit reference agencies as this will show you if you have an outstanding contract that could affect your credit rating. To learn more about the credit reference agencies, go to information and links for more details.
Noddle and ClearScore provide a free credit reference service.
To discuss the situation in more detail with us, call us on 0333 999 7200*.
identity theft and fraud
If you think you are a victim of identity theft or fraud, call us on 0333 999 7200* and let us know. We will ask you for specific details such as your previous address or where you lived when the account was opened. These details may be passed back to the account originator who may start a fraud investigation. Providing us with relevant information will help us to resolve the matter.
We do everything we can to make sure our records and the records supplied to us are correct. If you think we’ve got the wrong person, or have been contacted about an account that doesn’t belong to you, please contact us as soon as possible, and we will rectify the problem.
further advice
There are a number of organisations who can provide support and free advice about your financial situation. Details of these organisations can be found on our information and support page.
If you are in contact with a credit service please contact us and we will be happy to assist you whilst you seek appropriate advice.
If you are feeling depressed or anxious, there are a number of organisations including Mind and Money Advice Trust who can offer support and advice. Further details of these organisations can be found via our information and support page.
We are here to help. For further advice, please visit our information and links page where you’ll find a number of organisations you can contact who will offer you advice free of charge.
There are a number of organisations that can give you the advice you need. They can work with you to develop a realistic budget and action plan that will allow you to develop a long term solution. For further details, go to our information and links page.
You can visit the Credit Services Association (CSA) website for more information.
We abide by the strictest regulatory standards which means we operate at the highest possible ethical level. Below are the details of our licence and registrations numbers:
Capquest Debt Recovery Limited is registered in England and Wales with company number 03772278. Its registered office is Belvedere, 12 Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AW.
Capquest Debt Recovery Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for certain credit-related regulated activities and is registered on the Financial Services Register under registration number 721513. Capquest Debt Recovery Limited is part of the Intrum Group, whose registered UK office is at The Omnibus Building, Lesbourne Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7JP.
Capquest Debt Recovery Limited is part of the Intrum Group, whose registered UK office is at The Omnibus Building, Lesbourne Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7JP.
Our entire focus is about putting customers at the heart of our business. Our teams are trained to ensure you get the best service possible to get you back on the road to financial health.
View our corporate governance and compliance section for more information.
We take our responsibility to keep your personal information secure and private very seriously and we rigorously ensure our systems are compliant with the highest possible standards. We will never disclose your personal information to a non-authorised party.
You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information that we have about you. If you would like to request a copy of your file, please write to us confirming your request, known as a Subject Access Request.
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
At Capquest we take your feedback and any complaints we receive very seriously and have a formal complaints procedure (pdf).
Make a complaint by phone
Call the complaints department directly on 0333 999 7217* (calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes).
Make a complaint by letter
Submit your complaint in writing to:
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
Make a complaint by email
Please ensure your reference number is clearly stated on all correspondence to avoid any delays in processing your complaint.
We always strive to provide our customers with the best service and to ensure all of our customers are treated fairly. We accept, however, that sometimes things go wrong, which is why we have a robust complaint resolution process in place. We regularly report on the volume of complaints received to the FCA. To view the data in relation to complaints we received between 1st July 2024 to 31st December 2024, click here.
If, after a final response from us, you do not feel that your complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, then you may contact the following organisations:
Credit Services Association (CSA)
2 Esh Plaza
Sir Bobby Robson Way
Great Park Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE13 9BA
Phone: 0191 217 0775
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) oversee the Data Protection Act 1998 and will be able to investigate a complaint relating to your personal data.
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 08456 306060
The Financial Ombudsman Service is there to act as an impartial adjudicator.
The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Phone: 0300 123 9123 (calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers)
Phone: 0800 023 4567 (calls to this number are now free on mobile phones and landlines)
annual statements
Under the terms of the Consumer Credit Act (CCA), we’re required to send you regular statements detailing any activity on your account balance with us. This will allow you to keep track of your account as you manage your balance over time.
We’ll continue to send you an annual statement until your account is fully paid off.
If your payment was recently made through a third party such as a debt management company or an agency working on our behalf, it may take a few days to be processed. These payments will only appear once your payment is received on our system.
If the payment has been made after the statement period, it will be shown on your next statement.
Please contact us if you believe there are still payments missing.
Any payments received after the date on this statement will appear on subsequent statements. Payments made through a third party may take a few additional days to appear.
If you still think there could be an error with your statement, please contact us with any additional information regarding your balance.
We’ll be happy to look into your query and help you reach a resolution.
Please provide us with updated contact details by calling us on 0333 999 7200*.
Under the terms of the Consumer Credit Act (CCA), we are required to send you regular statements detailing any activity on your account balance.
If your account is being managed by an agency appointed by Capquest, you’ll receive your annual statement from Capquest.
However, your account will still be managed by our appointed agency and you should continue to deal with this agency directly, making your payments as usual.
Under the terms of the Consumer Credit Act (CCA), we’re required to send you regular statements detailing any activity on your account balance.
However, if you have notified us of your Insolvency Practitioner we’ll continue to deal with them directly.
We’re required to send you regular statements detailing any activity on your account balance.
If you’re discharged from your bankruptcy, please send us your discharge certificate to the address below so that we can update your credit file and ensure no further statements are sent.
Capquest Group
Capella Building
60 York Street
G2 8JX
credit balance refund
It is possible that you are entitled to a refund on your account(s) due to an over-payment after your account closed or because of a balance adjustment. If you have received communication from us referencing an over-payment, or your account as being in credit, you are due a refund and should get in touch with our customer service team.
If you haven’t been contacted by us but think you are due a refund, you can still contact one of our customer service colleagues on 0333 999 7200 to discuss your account(s) and allow us to look into your query.
If you have received a communication from Capquest Investment Limited either by letter, telephone call, email or text advising that you are due a refund, you can contact one of our customer services colleagues on 0333 999 7200 to discuss the refund process.
Customers seeking a refund, will be asked a series of data protection questions. Once we confirm we are speaking to the right person and confirm the amount of refund, the money will be refunded to you within 15 working days.
In certain instances goodwill interest may be applied to your refund. Interest is based on individual circumstances.
We are obliged by HM Revenue & Customs to deduct a 20% income tax from the compensatory interest payment made as part of your refund.
At Capquest, we are committed to ensure that our customers receive the highest level of service from us. We acknowledge, however, that sometimes things can go wrong and when they do, we want to put things right. The process of putting customers in a position they would have been in had the error not occurred, is what we define as remediation.
We have recently undertaken a review of historical contact with our customers. While doing so, we identified that we haven’t always fully complied with the requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (‘CCA’) to provide customers with regular updates in relation to their accounts.
It is important that customers have this information. These documents contain information relating to account activity, along with details about any interest, fees or charges that may have been applied.
We are now contacting customers to provide any documents they may not have previously received.
If you have been affected by any of these issues, you will receive a letter from us over the coming months. The letter will outline how this issue affected you and what are we doing to make things right.
No, you do not need to take any action at this point. However, if you recently moved or changed your correspondence address, we do request that you contact us to provide us with your new contact details. This will allow us to contact you (if we need to) without any unnecessary delays. If there is anything else, we require you to do, this will be outlined in the letter you receive from us.
If the management of your account has been outsourced to one of our servicing partners, you should have received this information previously. If this is the case, we request that you get in touch with them with any questions in relation to your account as they are fully updated on the details of this remediation. Their contact details are available in the communication you receive from us. If your account is serviced by Capquest, please visit refer to the Contact Us page for ways to get in touch.
You can contact our Customer Support Team using the following details:
Capquest Investments Limited
12 Booth Street
M2 4AW
Telephone number 0800 1300169
Yes. In our communication we will inform you about the current balance of your account. If you are currently making payments towards the outstanding balance, please continue to make your usual payments. If you have not set up an affordable repayment arrangement, please do so by contacting our servicing partner managing your account as quoted in the letter we sent you.
After you receive the remediation documents, we will continue to send you regular notices outlining the activity on your account. If you change your correspondence address, please notify us of this as soon as possible so that we can keep you informed about the activity on your account.
ways to pay
reduce your balance by direct debit, continuous card payment, standing order, or with a one-off payment